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GB 5296.2-2008 PDF English

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GB 5296.2-2008English70 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. [GB/T 5296.2-2008] Instructions for use of products of consumer interest -- Part 2: Household and similar electrical appliances Valid
GB 5296.2-1999English319 Add to Cart 3 days Instructions for use of products of consumer interest Instructions for use of household and similar electrical appliances Obsolete
GB 5296.2-1987EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days Instructions for use of products of consumer interest--Instruction for use of household and similar electrical appliance Obsolete
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GB 5296.2-2008: PDF in English

GB 5296.2-2008 ICS 13. 120; ICS 97 A 12 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing GB 5296.2-1999 Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest — Part 2. Household and Similar Electrical Appliances ISSUED ON. NOVEMBER 13, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2009 Jointly Issued by. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; The Standardization Administration Committee of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents FOREWORD ... 3 1 SCOPE ... 5 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ... 5 3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ... 6 4 BASIC PRINCIPLES ... 6 5 CONTENTS OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ... 7 6 FORMS OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ... 12 7 BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF COMPILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ... 12 8 DURABILITY OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ... 13 REFERENCES AND ORIGINAL CHINESE DOCUMENTS ... 15 Foreword 5.1.4, 5.2.3, and 5.3.12, which are among the regulatory technical elements in this Part of GB 5296 are recommendatory, and the rest are mandatory. GB 5296 is divided into 7 parts under the title of “Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest”. — Part 1. General Principles — Part 2. Household and similar electrical appliances — Part 3. General labeling for cosmetics — Part 4. Textiles and apparel — Part 5. Toys — Part 6. Furniture — Part 7. Sports equipment This Part is Part 2 of GB 5296. This Part constitutes a second revision of GB 5296.2-1987 based on the provisions of GB 5296.1-1997 “Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest — Part 1. General Principles”. This Part replaces GB 5296.2-1999 from the date of implementation. The main differences between this Part and previous version are as follows. — Add Chapter 3 “Terms and Definitions”; — Add the following contents to 4.1. “The basic contents and general requirements of the instructions shall comply with the provisions of GB 5296.1.” — “Main technical specifications of the product” was changed into “Product safety norms” (4.1.3 of previous version, 5.1.3 of this Part); — Delete “Product quality test compliance certificate” and “Product safety verification” (4.1.7 of previous version, 4.1.8 of this Part); — Change “producer” to “manufacturer” (4.1.6, 4.2.7 and 4.3.9 of previous version, 5.1.6, 5.2.7 and 5.3.9 of this Part); — Change “Graphical markings” to “Storage and transportation markings” (4.2.5 of previous version, 5.2.5 of this Part); — The following clauses to “Precaution labeling shall consider the following” was added in 5.3.6. “Products that have safety expiration requirements shall be clearly labeled with the product safe use period in the form of a safety warning;” and “Environmental pollution resulting from improper handling or disposal” and other similar contents; — Change contents in 6.3. “Information provided with the product”; “provide basic requirements and precautions included in paper instructions for use” and “other non-paper media (such as optical discs and corporate websites) contents”. This Part shall be used in combination with GB 5296.1 “Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest — Part 1. General Principles”. This Part was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Services of Standardization Administration of China. Chief drafting organizations of this Part. China National Institute of Standardization, China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, Haier Group, Hisense Group, Little Swan Co., Ltd., Midea Group, Panasonic Corporation of China and Philips (China) Co., Ltd. Chief drafting staffs of this Part. Zuo Peilan, Zhu Yan, Wang Shichuan, Wang Haijun, Liu Zhixu, Wang Yali, Chen Ziliang, Xu Fenming, and Cao Zhenwei. The previous editions of the standard replaced by this Part are as follows. — GB 5296.2-1987 — GB 5296.2-1999. Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest — Part 2. Household and Similar Electrical Appliances 1 Scope This Part of GB 5296 specifies basic principles, basic requirements, labeling information, and labeling requirements for instructions for use of household and similar electrical appliances. This Part applies to the compilation of instructions for use of household and similar electrical appliances. 2 Normative References The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference by this Part, constitute provisions of this Part of GB 5296. For dated references, subsequent amendments or revisions do not apply to this Part. However, parties who enter into agreements based on this Part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies to this Part. GB/T 191 Pictorial Markings for Handling of Goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO 780.1997, MOD) GB 4706.1 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances — Part 1. General Requirements design. 4.3 Information contained in instructions for use shall be concise, accurate, easy-read and easy-understood. 4.4 Instructions for use shall guide users to use the product safely and correctly, so as to avoid accidents; reduce product failure and damage; and place and maintain the product properly. 5 Contents of Instructions for Use The contents of instructions for use shall not only comply with the provisions of chapter, but also comply with those specified in GB 4706 (all parts) and relevant product standards. 5.1 Contents indicated on the product 5.1.1 Product name Products shall indicate the name, and indicate the true attributes. Product name shall be consistent as the name specified in implemented national standards or professional standards and enterprise standards. 5.1.2 Product model number Products shall indicate the model number. 5.1.3 Product safety indexes Product shall be indicated with the technical requirements and specifications of the applicable safety standards. 5.1.4 Graphical symbols To help users to identify and comprehend, all graphical symbols marked on the product shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 5465.2, GB/T 16273.1, and other relevant standards. 5.1.5 Safety warnings There shall be safety warnings, when misuse of a product may easily damage the product itself or may endanger human bodies or property. Indication of safety warning shall comply with the provisions of GB 5296.1-1997. 5.1.6 Manufacturer name Imported product may not be required to indicate the name of original manufacturer. However, imported products shall indicate the place of origin (country or region) and the legally registered name and address in China of the agent or importer or seller. 5.2.8 Production license number For products that are subject to management of production licensing, the package shall indicate valid production license number. 5.2.9 Product standard number Products that are manufactured and sold domestically shall indicate the number of the implemented national standard, professional standard or enterprise standard. 5.3 Contents indicated by instructions 5.3.1 Product name Instructions shall indicate the name. 5.3.2 Product model number Instructions shall indicate the product model number. When the instructions are share-used among the products of same-series, different model names and different specifications, the differences among them shall be indicated in an appropriate manner. 5.3.3 Product performance and characteristics Product instructions shall summarize the product structure, dimensions, purposes, functions, use performance, safety performance and main technical specifications, according to the product characteristics and use requirements. 5.3.4 Introduction of product components The instructions shall adopt the methods of diagram and text description; indicate the main components related to use and the structure introduction of functional units. If a component is mentioned multiple-times in the instructions for use (instructions), its name and functional terms shall remain consistently across the contents. 5.3.5 Use method The instructions shall, in accordance with correct use procedures, explain in step-by-step fashion how to use the product. If necessary, text descriptions shall be accompanied by diagrams. 7.3 Graphical symbols Graphical symbols and markings that appear in instructions for use shall comply with the provisions of the relevant standards. Text in the instructions for use shall be used to explain their meanings when necessary. 7.4 Table of contents 7.4.1 When instructions for use are longer than one page, each page shall be numbered. A table of contents shall be compiled when instructions for use c... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.