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GB 39800.1-2020 PDF English

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GB 39800.1-2020: PDF in English

GB 39800.1-2020 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.340.01 C 73 Replacing GB/T 11651-2008, GB/T 29510-2013 Specification for the provision of personal protective equipment - Part 1: General requirement ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 24, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Terms and definitions ... 5  3 Principles for configuring personal protective equipment ... 6  4 Procedures for configuring personal protective equipment ... 7  5 Management of configuring personal protective equipment ... 23  Appendix A (Informative) Industry codes and related codes for configuring personal protective equipment ... 26  Appendix B (Informative) Common work types AND possible accidents or injuries ... 27  Appendix C (Informative) Classification and code of hazardous and harmful factors in the production process ... 32  References ... 40  Foreword GB 39800 "Personal Protective Equipment Provisioning Specification" is divided into the following parts: - Part 1: General requirement; - Part 2: Oil, chemical and gas industry; - Part 3: Metallurgy, nonferrous metals; - Part 4: Non-coal mines; ... This part is Part 1 of GB 39800. This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This part replaces GB/T 11651-2008 "Code of practice for selection of personal protective equipments" and GB/T 29510-2013 "General requirements for the distribution of personal protection equipment". This part is based on GB/T 29510-2013 AND integrates the content of GB/T 11651-2008. Compared with GB/T 29510-2013 and GB/T 11651-2008, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows: - MODIFY of some content in the Scope; - ADD some terms and definitions; - ADD the basic requirements for the provision of dispatched labor, temporary hires, etc.; - ADD the national standard industry code for personal protective equipment in the industry; - MODIFY the configuration process of personal protective equipment; - ADD the hazard assessment; - MODIFY the classification, protective function, scope of application of commonly used personal protective equipment; - ADD the traceability; - ADD the training and management related content; - MODIFY the common types of operations AND the types of accidents that Specification for the provision of personal protective equipment - Part 1: General requirement 1 Scope This part of GB 39800 specifies the overall requirements for the configuration of personal protective equipment (i.e., labor protection equipment), including the principle of configuration, the configuration process, the identification and evaluation of hazardous factors in the workplace, the selection of personal protective equipment, traceability, discarding judgement and replacement, training and use, etc. This part applies to the configuration and management of personal protective equipment for all employers. This part does not apply to the configuration and management of personal protective equipment for firefighting of all employers. 2 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1 Personal protective equipment; PPE Labor protection products The general term for the protective products, which are worn, equipped, used by practitioners, to protect against physical, chemical, biological, other external factors. Note 1: Rewrite GB/T 12903-2008, definition 3.1. Note 2: Int includes safety helmets, earplugs, self-contained filter gas masks, anti- static clothing, safety belts, etc. 2.2 Occupational hazard factor Factors, that are generated from professional activities AND can directly 3.5 Employers shall allocate and manage personal protective equipment for the labor dispatch workers, temporary hired personnel, accepted interns, other external personnel, which is allowed to enter the workplace. 3.6 Employers shall, on the basis of this part, carry out the configuration and management of personal protective equipment, in accordance with the national standards for personal protective equipment in the industry. Where there is no national standard for personal protective equipment in the industry, the personal protective equipment shall be equipped and managed, in accordance with the requirements of this part. Please refer to Appendix A for the industry number and related numbers of personal protective equipment. 4 Procedures for configuring personal protective equipment 4.1 Configuration process The configuration of personal protective equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the process, which is shown in Figure 1. Among them, the identification and evaluation of hazardous factors AND the selection of personal protective equipment are the key links in the entire deployment process. Please refer to 4.2 and 4.3, for specific specifications. 4.2 Identification and assessment of hazardous factors 4.2.1 Identification of hazardous factors Principles of Identification The identification principles of hazardous factors are as follows: a) It shall identify the possible hazardous factors, according to national laws, regulations, standards and professional knowledge, based on the characteristics of different workplaces, production processes, operating environments. b) It shall carry out systematic analysis for all factors in production and operation activities, including personnel, equipment and facilities, materials used, process methods, environmental conditions, management systems, etc. It shall analyze not only the hazardous factors, which exist in normal production operations, but also the hazardous factors, that may occur in the case of changes in technology, materials, processes, equipment faults or failures, personnel operating errors, etc. Identification method The hazardous factors in the operating environment shall be analyzed, by means of on-site investigation, measurement, checking relevant records, inquiry and communication. See Appendix B for common job types AND possible accidents or injury types. See Appendix C for the classification and code of hazardous and harmful factors in the production process. When identifying hazard factors, the analysis shall be conducted mainly from the following aspects: a) Normal working state; b) Abnormal working state; c) Personnel operation activities; d) Equipment procurement, storage and transportation, as well as the operation, repair and maintenance of equipment and facilities; e) Raw and auxiliary materials, intermediate products and final products; f) Production and construction technology; g) Environmental conditions; h) Management system; i) Other auxiliary activities and unexpected situations. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.