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GB 32166.1-2016 PDF English

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GB 32166.1-2016English155 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Personal protective equipment -- Eye and face protection -- Occupational eye and face protectors -- Part 1: Requirements Obsolete
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GB 32166.1-2016: PDF in English

GB 32166.1-2016 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.340 C 73 Personal protective equipment - Eye and face protection - Occupational eye and face protectors - Part 1: Requirements ISSUED ON: MARCH 24, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON: MARCH 01, 2017 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Classification of occupational eye and face protectors ... 5  4.1 Functional types of occupational eye and face protectors ... 5  4.2 Types of occupational eye and face protectors ... 5  5 Basic requirements ... 6  5.1 Harmless ... 6  5.2 Headband ... 6  5.3 Minimum size requirements for assembled lenses ... 6  5.4 Optical requirements ... 7  5.5 Strength ... 8  5.6 Anti-aging performance ... 9  5.7 Flame-retardance ... 10  5.8 Packaging and marking ... 10  6 Special requirements ... 11  6.1 Requirements for optical radiation protection ... 11  6.2 Additional requirements for eye and face protectors for non-radiation industries ... 15  Appendix A (Normative) Types of light radiation and determination of shading number ... 18  References ... 19  Personal protective equipment - Eye and face protection - Occupational eye and face protectors - Part 1: Requirements 1 Scope This part of GB 32166 specifies the classification, basic requirements and special requirements of occupational eye and face protectors. This part applies to clear lens protector or components used to protect eye or face safety in occupational eye and face protectors (mainly for industrial protection). This part does not apply to: a) General purpose sunglasses and sunglass lens or eye and face protectors with vision correction; b) Eye and face protectors used by patients to protect against exposure during diagnosis or treatment; c) Products that directly observe the sun, such as eye protection for observing solar eclipses; d) Sports eye and face protectors; e) Short-circuit arc eye and face protectors; f) Welding eye and face protectors; g) Laser eye and face protectors. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this standard. GB/T 30042-2013 Personal protective equipment - Eye and face protection - Vocabulary (ISO 4007:2012, MOD) GB/T 32166.2-2015 Personal protective equipment - Eye and face protection - Occupational eye and face protectors - Part 2: Test methods 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 30042 apply to this document. 4 Classification of occupational eye and face protectors 4.1 Functional types of occupational eye and face protectors The function of occupational eye and face protector refers to the ability to protect against one or more of the following dangers: - Strong shocks of varying degrees; - Light radiation; - Heat, flame; - Droplets; - Spatter. 4.2 Types of occupational eye and face protectors According to the structure and style, occupational eye and face protector can be divided into the following types: - Glass; - Goggle; - Facepiece. Note: For specific definition, see GB/T 30042. The measurement result shall be not more than 2%. Narrow-angle scattering (light diffusion) When the visible light transmittance of the occupational eye and face protector is less than 15%, the test is performed according to the method specified in 5.5 of GB/T 32166.2-2015. The measurement value of eye and face protectors used to protect high-speed particles shall not be greater than 0.75 cd/(m2 · lx); the other eye and face protectors shall not be greater than 0.50 cd/(m2 · lx). 5.4.4 Material and surface quality The surface of the lens shall not have any surface defects that may damage vision, such as: air bubbles, scratches, impurities, dark spots, corroded spots, mildew spots, dents, repair spots, spots, blisters, water stains, pits, gas inclusions, debris, cracks, polishing defects or ripples. Test in accordance with the method specified in 5.6 of GB/T 32166.2-2015. 5.5 Strength 5.5.1 Minimum strength of unassembled lens Perform the test according to the method specified in 6.1.1 of GB/T 32166.2- 2015. After the test, the sample shall not show the following conditions: a) The lens is broken, that is, the lens is completely cracked or broken into two or more pieces, or more than 5 mg of the material which is in contact with the falling ball falls apart from the surface of the lens, or the ball passes through the lens, all of which can be considered as that the lens is broken; b) Deformation of the lens, that is, the indentation on the opposite side of the lens and the stressed position during the test, in this case the lens can be regarded as deformed. 5.5.2 Minimum strength for occupational eye and face protector Perform the test according to the method specified in 6.1.2 of GB/T 32166.2- 2015. After the test, the sample shall not show the following conditions: a) The lens is broken, that is, the lens is completely cracked or broken into two or more pieces, or more than 5 mg of the material which is in contact with the falling ball falls apart from the surface of the lens, or the ball passes through the lens, all of which can be considered as that the lens brightest and darkest points in the 15 mm circular area at the geometric center of the uncut edge of the single lens or around the reference point of the assembled lens. Stated transmittance characteristics For lenses with a stated transmittance, it shall meet the following requirements: - If the filter clearly states that it has x% absorption of blue light, the solar blue light transmittance τsb of the filter must not exceed (100.5 - x)%; - If the filter clearly states that its blue light transmittance is lower than x%, the solar blue light transmittance τsb of the filter must not exceed (x + 0.5)%. - If the filter clearly states that its UV absorption or UV transmittance reaches to a certain percentage, it shall meet the corresponding requirements. - If the filter clearly states that it has x% absorption of ultraviolet light, the solar ultraviolet transmittance τSUV of the filter must not exceed (100.5 - x)%; - If the filter clearly states that its transmittance to UV is below x%, the solar UV transmittance τSUV of the filter must not exceed (x + 0.5)%; - If the filter clearly states that it has x% absorption of long-wave UV, the solar long-wave UV transmittance τSUVA of the filter must not exceed (100.5 - x)%; - If the filter clearly states that its transmittance to long-wave UV is less than x%, the solar long-wave UV transmittance τSUVA of the filter must not exceed (x + 0.5)%; - If the filter clearly states that it has x% absorption of medium-wave UV, the solar medium-wave UV transmittance τSUVB of the filter must not exceed (100.5 - x)%; - If the filter clearly indicates that its transmittance to medium-wave UV is below x%, the solar medium-wave UV transmittance τSUVB of the filter must not exceed (x + 0.5)%. 6.2 Additional requirements for eye and face protectors for non-radiation industries 6.2.1 Protection from high-speed particle impact Occupational eye and face protection against high-speed particle impact must have side protection. Appendix A (Normative) Types of light radiation and determination of shading number A.1 Types of optical radiation Occupational eye and face protector (excluding laser eye protector and welding protector) can be used to protect the radiation from natural light or artificial light sources, such as sunlight which has a wavelength in the ultraviolet spectrum range, visible spectrum range and infrared spectrum range. Ultraviolet spectrum is usually divided into 3 parts, long-wave ultraviolet (UV-A) is 380 nm ~ 315 nm, medium-wave ultraviolet (UV-B) is 315 nm ~ 280 nm, far ultraviolet (FUV) is 280 nm ~ 180 nm. FUV is part of short-wave ultraviolet (UV- C) with a wavelength of 100 nm ~ 280 nm. Because air has a strong absorption of light radiation with a wavelength range of less than 180 nm, professional eye protectors no longer consider this wavelength band. The wavelength range of visible light is 380 nm ~ 780 nm. Radiation of natural light in this wavelength range will stimulate the retina and produce visual effects. Similar to ultraviolet, infrared is also divided into 3 parts. Near infrared (IR-A) is 780 nm ~ 1400 nm, middle infrared (IR-B) is 1400 nm ~ 3000 nm, far infrared (IR-C) is 3000 nm ~ 1 mm. The human eye has a very low transmittance for light with a wavelength greater than 2000 nm. This wavelength is often used as the upper protective limit for eye protection equipment. A.2 Determination of shading number Filters of different protection types can be classified by the transmittance characteristics in a specific wavelength range, or by a combination of transmittance characteristics in different wavelength ranges. Specific protective filters are usually divided into different shading numbers, which are classified according to the light transmittance τ measured by the filter in the visible range. The shading number can be calculated from formula (A.1): Where: N - Shading number; τ - Light transmittance. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.