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GB 31241-2014 (GB 31241-2022 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB 31241-2022English605 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipment -- Safety technical specification Valid
GB 31241-2014English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. [Including 2017XG] Lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipment -- Safety requirements Obsolete
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GB 31241-2014: PDF in English

GB 31241-2014 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 29.220.99 K 82 Lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipments - Safety requirements ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 05, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON. AUGUST 01, 2015 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Introduction ... 4  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and definitions ... 7  4 Test conditions ... 12  5 General safety requirements ... 17  6 Electric safety tests of cells ... 20  7 Safety test of cell environment ... 21  8 Environment safety test to batteries ... 25  9 Electric safety test to batteries ... 28  10 Safety requirements for protection circuit of batteries ... 30  11 Safety requirements for system protection circuit... 33  12 Consistency requirements ... 35  Annex A ... 36  Annex B ... 38  Annex C ... 46  Annex D ... 49  Annex E ... 50  Annex F ... 53  Annex G ... 54  Bibliography ... 55  Foreword All technical contents of this Standard are mandatory. This Standard is drafted in accordance with the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. This Standard shall be under jurisdiction of the China Electronics Standardization Institute. Drafting organizations of this Standard. China Electronics Standardization Institute, Shenzhen BAK Battery Co., Ltd., Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., Dongguan Amperex Technology Co., Ltd., Sunwoda Electronics Co., Ltd., Scud (Fujian) Electronics Co., Ltd., Vimicro Co., Ltd., and Beijing Saixi Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. He Penglin, Hu Jingping, Cao Xuan, Su Jinran, Chen Zhikui, Wu Yuanming, Li Wuqi, Lin Nengqi, and Feng Haiyu. Introduction This introduction is intended to introduce the principles being based by the requirements of this Standard. Understanding those principles is necessary to design and produce safe lithium ion cells and lithium ion batteries. What need to be noted is that this Standard only considers the most basic safety requirements for lithium ion cells and lithium ion batteries to provide safety protection for the persons and property, without involving the performance and functional property. The further development of technology and process will inevitably require the further modification of this Standard. The hazards caused by lithium ion cells and lithium ion batteries within the scope of this Standard refer to. — Leakage, which may cause chemical corrosion hazard to human bodies directly, or cause the internal insulation failure of battery-powered electronic equipment, indirectly resulting in electric shock, fire, and other hazards; — Fire, which directly burns the human body, or causes fire hazard to battery-powered electronic equipment. — Explosion, which directly endangers the human body, or damages the equipment; — Overheating, which directly causes burn on human bodies, reduces the insulation level and performance of safety-related components, or ignites flammable liquids. Leakage hazard may be caused by the enclosure damage for internal stress or external stress. The reason of fire and explosion may be caused by the thermal runaway inside the battery, which may be caused by the short circuit in the battery, strong oxidation of battery materials, etc. In determining the design program of cells or batteries, the following priority order shall be complied with. — Firstly, if possible, preferentially choose materials with high safety, and avoid using materials prone to thermal runaway as possible; — Secondly, if the above principles cannot be implemented, there is a need to design protection device, to reduce or eliminate the possibility of hazards, such as adding protection devices; — Finally, if the above-mentioned programs and other measures cannot completely avoid the occurrence of hazards, there is a need to take identification and description measures for the residues hazards. The above principles cannot replace the detailed requirements of this Standard, which just allow the designers to understand the principles being based by the requirements. The safety of lithium ion cells and lithium ion batteries is related to the material selection, design, production process, transportation, and use conditions. In which, the use conditions include normal use condition, foreseeable misuse condition, and foreseeable fault condition; and also include environmental conditions that affect the safety, such as temperature and altitude. The safety requirements for the lithium ion cells and batteries cover hazards caused by all the above factors to personnel. The personnel refer to maintenance personnel and use personnel. Maintenance personnel refer to the personnel who maintain the electronic equipment and its batteries. The maintenance personnel can use professional skills to avoid possible injuries if there are obvious hazards. However, it shall protect the maintenance personnel from unexpected dangers, for example, use identification or warning note to alert maintenance personnel of residues hazards. Use personnel refer to all personnel other than maintenance personnel. Safety protection requirements are proposed under the condition where assuming that the use personnel without being trained on how to recognize hazards will not intentionally create a dangerous situation. The production procedures, such as material selection, design, and process, are essentially important to the safety of lithium ion cells and batteries. The quality control example of production procedure is shown in Annex A; the design and manufacturing process can be referred to Annex B. Lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipments - Safety requirements 1 Scope This Standard specifies the safety requirements for lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipment. This Standard applies to lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipment (hereinafter referred to as cells and batteries). The portable electronic equipment within the scope of this Standard are exampled as follows. a) Portable office equipment. notebook computers, PDA, etc. b) Mobile communication equipment. cell phones, cordless phones, Bluetooth headsets, interphones, etc. c) Portable audio/video equipment. portable televisions, portable DVD players, MP3/MP4 players, cameras, video cameras, voice recording pens, etc. d) Other portable equipment. electronic navigation devices, digital photo frames, game consoles, e-books, etc. Portable electronic equipment listed above do not include all of the equipment, so the equipment that are not listed are not certainly to be beyond the scope of this Standard. There may be additional requirements for lithium ion cells and batteries used in portable electronic equipment that are used on vehicles, ships, airplanes, and other special occasions, as well as for health care, mining, submarine operations, and other special fields. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for application of this document. For the dated reference documents, only dated versions apply to this document. For the undated reference documents, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this document. GB 4943.1 Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1. General requirements GB/T 5169.5-2008 Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products - Part 5. Test flames - Needle test method - Apparatus confirmatory arrangement and guidance GB/T 5330-2003 Industrial woven metal wire cloth (square opening series) GB/T 6005-2008 Test sieves - Metal wire cloth perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet - Nominal sizes of openings GB 8898 Audio, video and simi... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.