GB 30000.5-2013 PDF English
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Rules for classification and labelling of chemical -- Part 5: Oxidizing gases
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GB 30000.5-2013: PDF in English GB 30000.5-2013
ICS 13.300
A 80
National Standard
of the People’s Republic of China
Replacing GB 20579-2006
Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals -
Part 5. Oxidizing gases
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration Committee.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Classification Standard ... 8
5 Decision logic and guidance ... 8
6 Labels ... 8
Appendix A ... 11
Appendix B ... 13
Appendix C ... 14
Appendix D ... 15
Appendix E ... 18
Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 of this part are mandatory. The rest are
The expected structure and the national standards to be replaced are as
Part 1. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 1. General
rules (replacing GB 13690-2009);
Part 2. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 2. Explosives
(replacing GB 20576-2006);
Part 3. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 3. Flammable
gases (replacing GB 20577-2006);
Part 4. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 4. Aerosols
(replacing GB 20578-2006);
Part 5. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 5. Oxidizing
gases (replacing GB 20579-2006);
Part 6. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 6. Gases
under pressure (replacing GB 20580-2006);
Part 7. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 7. Flammable
liquids (replacing GB 20581-2006);
Part 8. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 8. Flammable
solids (replacing GB 20582-2006).
Part 9. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 9.
Self-reactive substances and mixtures (replacing GB
Part 10. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 10.
Pyrophoric liquids (replacing GB 20585-2006);
Part 11. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 11.
Pyrophoric solids (replacing GB 20586-2006);
Part 12. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 12.
Self-heating substances and mixtures (replacing GB
Part 13. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 13.
Substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit
flammable gases (replacing GB 20587-2006);
Part 14. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 14.
Oxidizing liquids (replacing GB 20589-2006);
Part 15. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 15.
Oxidizing solids (replacing GB 20590-2006);
Part 16. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 16. Organic
peroxides (replacing GB 20591-2006);
Part 17. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 17.
Corrosive to metals (replacing GB 20588-2006).
Part 18. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 18. Acute
toxicity (replacing GB 20592-2006);
Part 19. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 19. Skin
corrosion/irritation (replacing GB 20593-2006);
Part 20. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 20. Serious
eye damage/eye irritation (replacing GB 20594 a 2006);
Part 21. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 21.
Respiratory or skin sensitization (replacing GB 20595-2006);
Part 22. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 22. Germ
cell mutagenicity (replacing GB 20596-2006);
Part 23. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 23.
Carcinogenicity (replacing GB 20597-2006);
Part 24. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 24.
Reproductive toxicity (replacing GB 20598-2006);
Part 25. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 25. Specific
target organ toxicity. Single exposure (replacing GB
Part 26. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 26. Specific
target organ toxicity. Repeated exposure (replacing GB
Part 27. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 27.
Aspiration hazard;
Part 28. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 28.
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (replacing GB
Part 29. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 29.
Hazardous to the ozone layer;
Part 30. Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 29. Work
safety warning signs.
This part is part 5 of GB 30000.
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part shall replace GB 20579-2006.
This part is consistent with the relevant technical content of the United Nations
"Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals,
GHS" (Fourth revised edition).
Compared with GB 20579-2006, the major technical changes are as follows.
- MODIFY the standard name. Chinese name is changed to “Rules for
classification and labelling of chemicals. Part 5. Oxidizing gases”. English
name is changed to “Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals.
Part 5. Oxidizing gases”;
- MODIFY the content of Chapter 1 “Scope”. The "warning label" is changed
to "label". DELETE "precautionary statements";
- MODIFY the introductory phrase in Chapter 2 "Normative references". And
ADD "United Nation, Globally Harmonized System of Classification and
Labelling of Chemicals, GHS (Fourth revised edition)" as a reference
- ADD introductory phrase in Chapter 3 "Terms and definitions".
- The Figure 1 "decision logic diagram" and “guidance” in Chapter 5 are as
informative Appendix A;
- DELETE the original Chapter 7. Table 3 in original Chapter 7 is modified as
normative Appendix B according to the United Nations “Globally
Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, GHS”
(Fourth revised edition);
- MODIFY and INTEGRATE the original Chapters 6, 7 and 8 as Chapter 6
according to the United Nations “Globally Harmonized System of
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, GHS” (Fourth revised edition).
Original Table 2 is modified as normative Appendix C;
- DELETE the original Chapter 8. The relevant contents "hazard statements"
and "precautionary statements" are as informative Appendix D;
- ADD informative Appendix E "Label examples".
This part was proposed by and shall be centralized by National
Standardization Technical Committee on Danger Chemicals Management
(SAC / TC 251).
Drafting organizations of this part. China Chemical Technology Development
Center, China National Chemical Information Center, Shanghai Institute of
Chemical Industry, Zhejiang Chemical Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd.,
and Huafeng Group Ltd.
The main drafters of this part. Zhang Junxi, Liang Jin, Feng Zuo, Fang Lu, Xiao
Qiuping, Cao Mengran, Wen Tao, Xue Jinqin, Chen Lihong, Li Tie, Yang Ting,
and An Ran.
The previous version replaced by this part is.
- GB 20579-2006.
Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals -
Part 5. Oxidizing gases
1 Scope
This part of GB 30000 specifies the terms and definitions, classification criteria,
decision logic and guidance, and labels of oxidizing gases.
This part is applicable to the classification and labelling of oxidizing gases
according to the United Nations "Globally Harmonized System of Classification
and Labelling of Chemicals" (Hereafter referred to as GHS).
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the dated editions apply to this document. For undated
references, the latest editions (including all corrections) of the referenced
documents apply to this document.
GB 6944-2012 Classification and code of dangerous goods
GB 13690 General rules for classification and hazard communication of
GB/T 27862 Chemical hazard classification test gases and gas mixtures
burning potential and oxidizing ability
United Nations "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling
of Chemicals" (Fourth revised edition)
United Nations “Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods -
Model regulations” (Seventeenth revised edition)
3 Terms and definitions
Those defined in GB 13690 AND the following terms and definitions apply to
this document.
oxidizing gases
Appendix E
Label examples of the oxidizing gases
Label examples of oxidizing gases are shown in Figure E.1.
Figure E.1 Label examples of oxidizing gases
Product name
Company Name
Street name and number
Country, provi...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.