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GB 21551.5-2010 PDF English

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GB 21551.5-2010: PDF in English

GB 21551.5-2010 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 03.080.01 Y 60 Antibacterial and Cleaning Function for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Particular Requirements for Electric Washing Machine ISSUED ON: JANUARY 14, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON: SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Terms and Definitions ... 4  4 Technical Requirements ... 5  5 Markings ... 6  Appendix A (normative) Hygiene and Safety Evaluation and Test Methods for Antibacterial and Anti-mold Components ... 8  Appendix AA (normative) Antibacterial Function Test Methods for Electric Washing Machines with Antibacterial Function ... 9  Antibacterial and Cleaning Function for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Particular Requirements for Electric Washing Machine 1 Scope This chapter of GB 21551.1-2008 is replaced by the following contents. This Part of GB 21551 specifies the scope, terms and definitions, technical requirements and markings of the antibacterial function of electric washing machines- --household and similar electrical appliances with antibacterial function. This Part is applicable to fully automatic electric washing machines used in household and similar occasions, and with antibacterial function clearly indicated on the appliances or instruction manuals. NOTE: this Part is inapplicable to ordinary single and twin-tub washing machines. 2 Normative References Through the reference in this Part of GB 21551, the clauses of the following documents become clauses of this Part. In terms of references with a specified date, all the subsequent modification sheets (excluding the corrected content) or revised versions are not applicable to this Part. However, the various parties that reach an agreement in accordance with this Part are encouraged to explore the possibility of adopting the latest version of these documents. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version is applicable to this Part. GB/T 411 Printed and Dyed Cotton Fabric GB/T 4288 Household and Similar Electrical Washing Machine GB 21551.1-2008 General Requirement of Antibacterial and Cleaning Function for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances 3 Terms and Definitions The terms defined in GB 21551.1-2008, and the following terms and definitions are applicable to this Part of GB 21551. 3.101 Ozone Eliminating Bacterial Ozone eliminating bacterial refers to the process of using ozone to eliminate most or all the residual microorganisms. 3.102 Silver Ion Eliminating Bacterial Silver ion eliminating bacterial refers to the process of using silver ions to eliminate most or all the residual microorganisms. 3.103 High Temperature Eliminating Bacterial High temperature eliminating bacterial refers to the process of heating up washing water with electrical heating elements to eliminate most or all the residual microorganisms. NOTE: high temperature refers to a washing temperature of ≥ 80 °C. 3.104 Eliminating Bacterial Rate Eliminating bacterial rate refers to the ratio of washing machining eliminating Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli during a sterilization process. 4 Technical Requirements This chapter of GB 21551.1-2008 is applicable, except for the following contents: 4.1 Safety Requirements of Electrical Appliances 4.1.1 Addition: Electric washing machines with antibacterial function shall comply with the requirements of this Part. 4.1.2 Applicable. 4.1.3 Applicable. 4.2 Hygiene and Safety Requirements 4.2.1 Applicable. 4.2.2 Applicable. 4.2.3 Applicable. 4.2.4 Applicable. 4.3 Requirements for Antibacterial Function Replacement: Appendix AA (normative) Antibacterial Function Test Methods for Electric Washing Machines with Antibacterial Function By comparing the residual viable bacteria count under the common (standard) washing program when the antibacterial function is not activated and activated, determine the eliminating bacterial rate of the electric washing machine with antibacterial function. Among them, the group that has not activated the antibacterial function is the control group; the group that has activated the antibacterial function is the test group. AA.1 Test Load AA.1.1 Standard washings (abbreviated as load cloth) The bleached medium plain cloth required in GB/T 411: the warp yarns are 21 ± 2 counts; the weft yarns are 21 ± 2 counts; made into a 330 mm  330 mm square towel through desizing pre-treatment. AA.1.2 The test load is 30% of the rated load. AA.2 Sample Piece Use the bleached medium plain cloth that complies with the requirements of GB/T 411; the warp yarns are 21 ± 2 counts; the weft yarns are 21 ± 2 counts; through desizing pre-treatment, make it into a 100 mm  100 mm square towel. AA.3 Bacteria AA.3.1 The bacteria are Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. AA.3.2 A diluent with a bacterial concentration of 1.0  109 CFU/mL ~ 9.0  109 CFU/mL. AA.4 Test Procedures AA.4.1 Control group: adopt the common (standard) washing program. AA.4.2 Test group: adopt the common (standard) washing program + antibacterial function or antibacterial program. AA.5 Test Methods AA.5.1 The test conditions and test instruments shall comply with the relevant requirements in GB/T 4288. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.