GB 15740-2006 (GB 15740-2024 Newer Version) PDF English
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Standard ID | Contents [version] | USD | STEP2 | [PDF] delivered in | Name of Chinese Standard | Status |
GB 15740-2024 | English | 320 |
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Protective device against unauthorized use of motor vehicles
| Valid |
GB 15740-2006 | English | 115 |
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Protective devices against unauthorized use of motor vehicles
| Valid |
GB 15740-1995 | English | 199 |
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Motor vehicle--Protective devices against unauthorized use--Performance requirments
| Obsolete |
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GB 15740-2006: PDF in English GB 15740-2006
ICS 43.040.60
A 91
Replacing GB 15740-1995
Protective Devices against
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicles
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Application Scope ... 5
2 Terms and Definitions ... 5
3 General Specifications for Protective Devices against Unauthorized Use of
Motor Vehicles of Categories M1 and N1 ... 6
4 Special Specifications for Protective Devices against Unauthorized Use of
Motor Vehicles of Categories M1 and N1 ... 8
5 General Specifications for Protective Devices against Unauthorized Use of
Motor Vehicles of Category M2, M3, and Category N2, N3 ... 10
6 Special Specifications for Protective Devices against Unauthorized Use of
Motor Vehicles of Category M2, M3, and Category N2, N3 ... 12
7 Devices Provided Additionally ... 13
Annex A (Normative) Wear Producing Test Procedure for Devices to Prevent
Unauthorized Use Acting on the Steering (of Vehicles of Categories M1 and N1)
... 14
Annex B (Normative) Test Procedure for Devices to Prevent Unauthorized
Use Acting on the Steering Using a Torque Limiting Device ... 16
Annex C (Normative) Wear-producing Test Procedure for Protective
Devices Acting on the Steering (of Vehicles of Category M2, M3 and Category
N2, N3) ... 18
Annex D (Informative) Cross-reference between the Clause Numbers of
This Standard and Those of ECE R18 ... 20
All technical content of this Standard is compulsory.
This Standard replaces GB 15740-1995, Motor Vehicle – Protective Devices against
Unauthorized Use – Performance Requirements.
This Standard was drafted by modifying and adopting Regulation ECE R18 (02 series
of amendments – Date of entry into force. September 3, 1997), Uniform Provisions
Concerning the Approval of Motor Vehicles with Regard to Their Protection against
Unauthorized Use.
Annex D gives the cross-reference between the clause numbers of this Standard and
those of ECE R18.
The content of ECE R18-02, including application for approval, approval, approval
mark, modification of the vehicle type, conformity of production procedures and
penalties for non-conformity of production, is deleted because of the differences in
form between the standard system and the legal system.
For the convenience of use, the technical specification part of ECE R18 is modified as
-- the definitions in clause 2 and clause 14 of ECE R18-02 are included in clause 2
of this Standard;
-- clause 2 and Annex 5 of ECE R18-02 are deleted;
-- “this Regulation” is changed into “this Standard”;
-- informative Annex D is added.
Annex A, Annex B and Annex C of this Standard are normative; and Annex D is
The differences of this Standard, compared with GB 15740-1995, are as follows.
-- the name of this Standard is changed into Protective Devices against
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicles, in accordance with the name of Regulation
ECE R18;
-- the application scope of this Standard is extended to vehicles of category M and
category N (clause 1 of this edition);
-- the terms and definitions of “vehicle type” and “rolling code” are added in this
Standard (clause 2 of this edition);
-- the general specifications and special specifications for protective devices against
unauthorized use of motor vehicles of category N and Category M2, M3 (clause 3,
4, 5 and 6 of this edition).
This Standard was proposed by the National Development and Reform Commission.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of
Auto Standardization.
The drafting organization of this Standard. China Automotive Technology and
Research Centre.
The main drafters of this Standard. Wang Yang, Sun Zhendong, Zhu Tong.
The previous editions of the standard replaced by this Standard is as follows.
-- GB 15740-1995.
Protective Devices against
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicles
1 Application Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for protective devices
against unauthorized use of motor vehicles.
This Standard applies to motor vehicles of categories M and N with regard to their
protection against unauthorized use.
2 Terms and Definitions
vehicle type
A category of vehicles which do not differ in such essential respected as.
2.1.1 the manufacturer’s indications of the vehicle type;
2.1.2 the arrangement and design of the vehicle component or components on which
the protective device acts;
2.1.3 the type of protective device.
device to prevent unauthorized use
A system designed to prevent unauthorized normal activation of the engine or other
source of main engine power of the vehicle in combination with at least one system
a) locks the steering;
b) locks the transmission;
c) locks the gearshift control.
The steering control, the steering column and its accessory cladding, the steering shaft,
the steering gearbox and all other components which directly affect the effectiveness
of the protective device.
One of the specifically planned and constructed variations of a locking system which,
when properly activated, permits operation of the locking system.
Any device designed and constructed to provide a method of operating a locking
system which is designed and constructed to be operated only by that device.
rolling code
An electronic code consisting of several elements the combination of which changes
at random after each operation of the transmitting unit.
3 General Specifications for Protective Devices
against Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicles of
Categories M1 and N1
3.1 The protective device shall be so designed that it is necessary to put it out of
action in order to enable.
3.1.1 the engine to be started by means of the normal control; and
3.1.2 the vehicle to be steered, driven or moved forward under its own power.
3.2 The requirements of clause 3.1. shall be met by the single application of one key.
3.3 Except in the case provided for in clause 4.1.5. a system operated with a key
inserted in a lock shall not permit removal of the key before the protective device
referred to in clause 3.1. has come into action or has been set to act.
3.4 The protective device referred to in clause 3.1. above, and the vehicle
components on which it operates, shall be so designed, that it cannot rapidly and
without attracting attention, be opened, rendered ineffective, or destroyed by, for
example, the use of low-cost, easily-concealed tools, equipment or fabrications readily
available to the public at large.
3.5 The protective device shall be mounted on the vehicle as an item of original
equipment (i.e. equipment installed by the vehicle manufacturer prior to first retail sale).
It shall be fitted in such a way that even after removal of its housing it cannot, when in
the blocked condition, be dismantled otherwise than with special tools. If it would be
possible to render the protective device ineffective by the removal of screws, the
screws shall, unless they are non-removable screws, be covered by parts of the
blocked protective device.
3.6 The key locking system shall provide at least 1,000 different key combinations or
a number equal to the total number of vehicles manufactured annually if less than
1,000. In vehicles of one type the frequency of occurrence of each combination shall
be roughly one per 1,000.
3.7 Electrical/electronic locking systems, e.g. remote control, shall have at least
50,000 variants and shall incorporate a rolling code and/or have a minimum scan time
of 24 hours per 5,000 variants.
3.8 The key and lock shall not be visibly coded.
3.9 The lock shall be so designed, constructed and fitted that turning of the lock
cylinder, when in the locked position, with a torque of less than 2.45 Nm is not possible
with anything other than the mating key, and
3.9.1 for lock cylinders with pin tumblers no more than two identical tumblers
operating in the same direction shall be positioned adjacent to each other, and in a
lock there shall not be more than 60 per cent identical tumblers,
3.9.2 for lock cylinders with disc tumblers no more than two identical tumblers
operating in the same direction shall be positioned adjacent to each other, and in a
lock there shall not be more than 50 per cent identical tumblers.
3.10 Devices to prevent unauthorized use shall be such as to exclude any risk of
accidental operating failure while the engine is running, particularly in the case of
blockage likely to compromise safety.
3.10.1 It shall not be possible to activate devices to prevent unauthorized use without
first setting the engine controls to a stop condition and then performi...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.