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GB 15193.4-2014 PDF English

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GB 15193.4-2014English245 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. National food safety standard -- Bacterial reversion mutation test Valid
GB 15193.4-2003English439 Add to Cart 4 days Salmonella typhimurium/mammal’s microsomal enzyme test (Ames test) Obsolete
GB 15193.4-1994English359 Add to Cart 3 days Salmonella typhimurium/mammals microsomal enzyme test (Ames test) Obsolete
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GB 15193.4-2014: PDF in English

GB 15193.4-2014 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National food safety standard - Bacterial reversion mutation test ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 24, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON: MAY 01, 2015 Issued by: National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Terms and definitions ... 4 3 Test purpose and principle ... 4 4 Apparatus and reagents ... 5 5 Bacterial strains and their identification and preservation ... 10 6 Design of experiments and treatment of test substances ... 13 7 Test methods ... 15 8 Data processing and result evaluation ... 16 9 Report ... 17 10 Interpretation of the test ... 18 Appendix A Mutant genes, test types, biological characteristics and spontaneous reversion of test strains ... 19 Appendix B Standard diagnostic mutagens ... 21 Appendix C Positive mutagens recommended by OECD and USEPA ... 23 National food safety standard - Bacterial reversion mutation test 1 Scope Bacterial reverse mutation test includes Salmonella typhimurium reversion mutation test and Escherichia coli reversion mutation test. This Standard specifies the basic technical requirements for Salmonella typhimurium reversion mutation test. When selecting Escherichia coli for bacterial reversion mutation test, relevant literature shall be referred to. This Standard is applicable to the evaluation of the mutagenic effect of test substances. 2 Terms and definitions 2.1 Bacterial reversion mutation test An in vitro test for detecting gene mutations using auxotrophic mutant strains as indicator organisms. Commonly used strains include histidine auxotroph Salmonella typhimurium and tryptophan auxotroph Escherichia coli. 2.2 Base substitution gene mutation A certain base on the DNA polynucleotide chain is replaced by another base, causing abnormalities in the DNA base sequence. 2.3 Frameshift gene mutation When one or several bases (except 3 and multiples of 3) are inserted or deleted in the DNA base sequence, according to the rules of continuous reading of the triplet code, all the codon composition after this site will be changed, and the polypeptide chain that guides the synthesis will also be completely changed. 3 Test purpose and principle Detect the genetic mutation effect of the test substance on microorganisms (bacteria) and predict its genotoxicity and potential carcinogenic effects. The bacterial reversion mutation test uses Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli to detect point mutations, involving the replacement, insertion or deletion of one or several base pairs of DNA, as shown in Appendix A. The test strains of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli are histidine-deficient mutants and tryptophan- 80 ℃, prepare plates at a rate of 25 mL per plate (relative to a 90 mm plate). After condensation and solidification, place the plates upside down in a 37 ℃ incubator for 24 h for use. Phosphate stock solution (Vogel-Bonner minimal medium E, 50 times) Sodium ammonium hydrogen phosphate (NaNH4HPO4·4H2O) 17.5 g Citric acid (C6H8O7·H2O) 10.0 g Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) 50.0 g Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4·7H2O) 1.0 g Add distilled water to 100 mL to dissolve, and sterilize at 0.103 MPa for 20 minutes. Note: After the other reagents are completely dissolved, slowly put the magnesium sulfate into it to continue dissolving, otherwise it will easily precipitate. 40% glucose solution Add distilled water to 40.0 g of glucose to 100 mL, and sterilize at 0.055 MPa for 20 minutes. 1.5% agar medium Add 6.0 g of agar powder into a 400 mL conical flask; add distilled water to 400 mL; after melting, sterilize at 0.103 MPa for 20 min. 4.2.4 Top culture medium Heat to melt the top agar, add 10 mL of histidine-biotin solution (0.5 mmol/L) to every 100 mL of top agar. Mix well; divide into 4 flasks; sterilize at 0.103 MPa for 20 min. Melt and divide into small test tubes, 2 mL per tube; keep warm in a 45 ℃ water bath. Prepare top agar and histidine-biotin solution (0.5 mmol/L) as follows. Top agar Add distilled water to 3.0 g of agar powder and 2.5 g of sodium chloride to 500 mL; sterilize at 0.103 MPa for 20 min. Histidine-biotin solution (0.5 mmol/L) (for mutagenesis test) Add 250 mL of distilled water to 30.5 mg of D-biotin (relative molecular mass 244) and 19.4 mg of L-histidine (relative molecular mass 155); sterilize at 0.103 MPa for 20 min. 4.2.5 Special reagents and culture media 0.8% ampicillin solution (for strain identification, prepared aseptically) Use sodium hydroxide solution (0.02 mol/L) to dilute 40 mg of ampicillin to 5 mL; store it in a refrigerator at 4 °C for later use. 0.1% crystal violet solution (for strain identification) Dissolve 100 mg of crystal violet in sterile water to 100 mL. L-histidine solution and D-biotin solution (0.5 mmol/L) (for strain identification) Respectively dissolve 0.404 3 g of L-histidine and 12.2 mg of D-biotin in distilled water to 100 mL; sterilize at 0.103 MPa for 20 min; store in a 4 °C refrigerator for later use. 0.8% tetracycline solution (for tetracycline resistance test and ampicillin- tetracycline plate) Use hydrochloric acid buffer (0.02 mol/L) to dilute 40 mg of tetracycline to 5 mL; store in a 4 °C refrigerator. Ampicillin plate (used as the master plate for TA97, TA98, and TA100 strains) and ampicillin-tetracycline plate (used as the master plate for TA102 strain) Each 1 000 mL consists of the following ingredients: Bottom culture medium 980 mL Histidine aqueous solution (0.404 3 g/100 mL) 10 mL Biotin (0.5 mmol/L) 6 mL 0.8% ampicillin solution 3.15 mL 0.8% tetracycline solution 0.25 mL Tetracycline is added only when using tetracycline-resistant TA102. Each ingredient has been individually sterilized or prepared aseptically. Histidine-biotin plate (histidine needs to be used for testing) Each 1 000 mL consists of the following ingredients: Bottom culture medium 984 mL Histidine aqueous solution (0.404 3 g/100 mL) 10 mL Biotin (0.5 mmol/L) 6 mL Each ingredient has been sterilized individually. oral gavage at a dose of 80 mg/kg for 3 consecutive days without fasting. Kill the animals by decapitation after 16 h of fasting. Other operations are the same as PCB induction. After killing the animals, remove the liver, weigh, and continuously flush with fresh ice-cold potassium chloride solution (0.15 mol/L) several times to remove hemoglobin that inhibits microsomal enzyme activity. Add 3 mL of potassium chloride solution (0.1 mol/L) per gram of liver (wet weight); move it together with the beaker into an ice bath; use sterile scissors to cut the liver into pieces; place in a glass homogenizer (less than 4 000 r/min, 1 min ~ 2 min) or tissue homogenizer (less than 20 000 r/min, 1 min) to make liver homogenate. The above operations require attention to sterility and local cold environment. Centrifuge the prepared liver homogenate in a low-temperature (0 ℃ ~ 4 ℃) high- speed centrifuge at 9 000g for 10 minutes. Aspirate the supernatant into the S9 component and distribute it into sterile freezing tubes or ampoules. Each ampoule is about 2 ml. Quick freeze in liquid nitrogen or dry ice and then store at 80 °C. After the S9 component is prepared, subject it to a sterility inspection and measure the protein content (Lowry method). The protein content per milliliter should not exceed 40 mg. After qualifying the biological activity by indirect carcinogen (mutagen) identification, store it at a deep low temperature or freeze-dry, and the shelf life shall not exceed 1 year. 4.3.3 Preparation of 10% S9 mixture The 10% S9 mixture is generally composed of S9 components and cofactors in a ratio of 1:9. The concentration can also be prepared to 30% (different test substances require different S9 concentrations). Freshly prepare aseptically or filter for sterilization before use. 10 mL of 10% S9 mixture is prepared as follows: Phosphate buffer 6.0 mL Magnesium potassium solution 0.4 mL Glucose-6-phosphate sodium salt solution 1.0 mL Coenzyme-Ⅱ solution 1.6 mL Liver S9 fraction 1.0 mL Mix well and place in ice bath until ready to use. Use 0.5 mL of S9 mixture per plate (containing 20 μL ~ 50 μL of S9) to measure its biological activity against known positive carcinogens (mutagens) and determine the most suitable amount. Alternatively, use the normal dosage, that is, 0.5 mL of S9 mixture per dish. Heat and melt two bottles of bottom culture medium. To one bottle, do not add histidine, and add 0.6 mL of 0.5 mmol D-biotin to every 100 mL of bottom culture medium; to the other bottle, add histidine, and add 1 mL of L-histidine and 0.6 mL of 0.5 mmol D- biotin to every 100 mL of bottom culture medium. Cool to about 50 °C and pour two plates of each bottom culture medium. Vaccination Take one medium plate with histidine and one without histidine; draw an inoculating loop of bacterial liquid in order of strain number and draw a straight line on the surface of the medium; incubate at 37 °C for 48 hours. Result judgment Each strain grew a bacterial film on the surface of the medium plate with histidine. On the medium plate without histidine, if there was no sterile film except for spontaneous reversion colonies, it indicates that the tested strain is indeed histidine deficient. Identification of lipopolysaccharide barrier defects (rfa) Vaccination Heat and melt the nutrient broth agar medium. Take 0.1 mL of bacterial liquid and transfer it to the plate; quickly pour an appropriate amount of nutrient broth agar culture medium (cooled to about 50 °C) into the plate; mix well; lay it flat to solidify. Place a piece of sterile filter paper into the center of the solidified culture medium plate; use a pipette to drop 10 μL of 0.1% crystal violet solution on the filter paper piece; incubate at 37 °C for 24 hours. Make a plate for each strain. Result determination In positive cases, a transparent inhibition zone appears around the paper, indicating the presence of rfa mutation. This change allows certain macromolecules to enter the bacteria and inhibit their growth. Identification of R factor (ampicillin resistance) Vaccination Heat and melt the nutrient broth agar culture medium; cool it to about 50 ℃; pour an appropriate amount into the plate; lay it flat to solidify; use a pipette to suck 10 μL of 0.8% ampicillin; apply a strip along the midline on the surface of the solidified culture medium. After the ampicillin solution dries, use an inoculation loop to take the bacterial liquid of each strain and inoculate it crosswise with the ampicillin band; inoculate a strain without R factor as a control for ampicillin resistance; incubate at 37 °C for 24 hours. One plate can be used to identify several strains simultaneously. Result determination The strains still grow uninhibited around the ampicillin band, that is, they are resistant to ampicillin, proving that they all carry R factors. Identification of tetracycline resistance Vaccination Use a pipette to draw 5 μL ~ 10 μL of 0.8% tetracycline solution and 0.8% ampicillin solution each; apply a strip along the midline on the surface of the nutrient broth agar medium plate. After the tetracycline and ampicillin solutions dry, use the inoculation loop to take the bacterial liquid of each strain and cross-streak the tetracycline and ampicillin bands to inoculate TA102 and a strain with R factor (as a control for tetracycline resistance); culture at 37 °C for 24 hours. Result determination The growth of the TA102 strain is not inhibited, and the control strain had a growth inhibition zone, indicating that the TA102 strain had an anti-tetracycline effect. Identification of uvrB repair defective types Vaccination Use an inoculation loop to streak the surface of the nutrient broth agar medium plate to inoculate the desired strain. Cover half of the inoculated plate with ink paper; irradiate for 8 seconds at a distance of 33 cm from a 15 W ultraviolet sterilizing lamp; incubate at 37 °C for 24 hours. Result determination The three strains sensitive to ultraviolet light (TA97, TA98, and TA100) grew only in the half that is not irradiated, while the strain TA102 with the wild-type excision repair enzyme is still able to grow. Identification of biotin deficiency (bio) Preparation of bottom culture dish Heat and melt two bottles of bottom culture medium. Add biotin to one bottle, and add 0.6 mL of 0.5 mmol D-biotin and 1 mL of L-histidine to every 100 mL of bottom culture medium; do not add biotin to the other bottle, and add 1 mL of L-histidine to every 100 mL of bottom culture medium. Cool to about 50 °C; pour two plates for each bottom culture medium. Vaccination The principles for determining the maximum dose of the test substance are the toxicity of the test substance to the test strain and the solubility of the test substance. Conducting a preliminary test will help to understand the toxicity of the test substance to the strain and the solubility of the test substance. The recommended maximum dose for soluble test substances without bacterial toxicity is 5 mg/dish or 5 μL/dish; for test substances with poor solubility, suspension can be used, but the degree of turbidity of the solution (the amount of precipitation) cannot affect the colony count. When the maximum dose cannot reach 5 mg/dish or 5 μL/dish due to solubility or toxicity limitations, the highest dose shall be the dose that causes precipitation or bacterial toxicity. When evaluating test substances containing potentially mutagenic impurities, the test dose can be higher than 5 mg/dish or 5 μL/dish. For test substances that require pre-treatment (such as liquid beverages, tea bags, oral liquids and samples with large excipient content, etc.), the dose design shall be based on the processed sample. Each test substance is divided into 4 dose groups under the maximum allowable dose, including with and without S9. Set the dose interval according to the principle of equal group intervals, and it is recommended to use times the group interval. Three plates shall be prepared for each dose. Generally, the minimum dose of the test substance is not less than 0.2 μg/dish. The test material shall be sterile and, if necessary, sterilized or disinfected by appropriate methods. 6.3 Control group setting The experiment shall be set up a positive control group, a solvent control group and an untreated control group, including conditions with and without S9. The positive control shall be selected according to the strain used, and the appropriate dosage shall be selected to ensure the effectiveness of each test. Refer to Appendix B, Appendix C or other materials. The treatment method of the vehicle control group is the same as that of the treatment group except that no test substance is added. When the positive mutagen is dissolved in DMSO and the test substance is not dissolved in DMSO, a DMSO solvent control shall be performed at the same time. 6.4 Test substances containing histidine For test substances that are known and confirmed to contain histidine and may affect the test results, pretreatment (such as filtration through XAD-Ⅱ resin column) may be required. 7 Test methods 7.1 General Commonly used test methods include plate incorporation method, pre-culture plate incorporation method and spot test method. 7.2 Plate incorporation method 7.2.1 Inoculate the strain culture from the master plate or frozen storage into nutrient broth medium and culture at 37 ℃ with shaking (100 times/min) for 10 hours or static culture for 16 hours to ensure that the number of viable bacteria is not less than 1×109 /mL ~ 2×109 /mL. 7.2.2 For the bottom culture medium plates, make three plates for each dose with or without S9. 7.2.3 Thaw the top culture medium and dispense into sterile capped small test tubes (the number of test tubes is the same as the number of plates), 2 mL per tube, and keep warm in a 45 ℃ water bath. 7.2.4 Add 0.1 mL of fresh enrichment liquid of the test strain to the insulated top culture medium (test tube) and mix well; add 0.05 mL ~ 0.2 mL of test substance to the test group (add 0.1 mL generally, and add 0.5 mL of 10% S9 mixture when activation is required); mix again; quickly pour it onto the plate with the bottom culture medium; rotate the plate to make the top culture medium evenly distributed on the bottom culture medium; lay it flat for solidification; incubate at 37 ℃ for 48 hours to observe the results; if necessary, extend the time to 72 h to observe the results. 7.2.5 Add the same volume of standard mutagen to the positive control group; add only the same volume of solvent to the solvent control group; only add bacterial liquid to the culture medium in the untreated control group; other methods are the same as those of the test group. 7.3 Pre-culture plate incorporation method Pre-culture can achieve better results for some test substances. Therefore, whether to perform pre-culture can be determined according to the situation. Before adding the top culture medium, perform the following pre-culture steps: a) Incubate the test substance (add 0.5 mL of 10% S9 mixture if activation is required) and bacterial solution at 37 °C for 20 min, or at 30 °C for 30 min; b) Add 2 mL of top agar; Other details are the same as 7.2. 8.4 Verification Obviously, positive results do not need to be verified; suspicious results shall be verified using other methods; negative results need to be verified (i.e., repeated once), and the test conditions shall be changed, such as the dose interval (changed to 5 times the interval). 8.5 Result evaluation of control group A positive result indicates that the test substance induces point mutations in the genome of the test strain. A negative result indicates that the test substance does not induce gene mutations in the test strain under the test conditions. 9 Report 9.1 Test name, test unit name and contact information, and report number. 9.2 Name and contact information of the test entrusting unit, and sample acceptance date. 9.3 Test start and end dates, test item leader, test unit technical leader, and issue date. 9.4 Test summary. 9.5 Test substances: name, identification information, CAS number (if known), purity, physical and chemical properties and stability of the test substance related to this test, etc. 9.6 Solvent: The basis for selecting the solvent, the solubility and stability of the test substance in the solvent. 9.7 Strain: source, name, concentration (number of bacteria/dish) and strain characteristics (including time and results of strain identification). 9.8 Test conditions: dosage, metabolic activation system, standard mutagen, operating procedures, etc. 9.9 Test results: toxicity of the test substance to the strain, growth of background bacterial moss, whether there is precipitation on the plate, the number of reversion colonies on each plate, the mean and standard deviation of the number of reversion colonies on each plate for each dose and each strain with and without S9, whether there is a dose-response relationship, statistical results, the mean and standard deviation of the simultaneous solvent control and positive control, and the historical range of the solvent control and positive control. 9.10 Conclusion: Whether the test substance has mutagenic effect under the test conditions. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.