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GB 150.2-2011 (GB/T 150.2-2024 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 150.2-2024English740 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Pressure vessels - Part 2:Materials Valid
GB 150.2-2011English195 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. [GB/T 150.2-2011] Pressure vessels -- Part 2: Materials [including Amendment XG1] Valid
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GB 150.2-2011: PDF in English

ICS 23.020.30 J74 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Partially Replace GB 150-1998 Pressure Vessels - Part 2. Materials ISSUE ON. NOVEMBER 21, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 1, 2012 Issued by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China Contents Scope ... ! 2 Normative References ... I 3 General Provisions ... 2 4 Steel Plates ... 5 5 Steel Tubes and Pipes ... 15 6 Steel Forgings ... 19 7 Steel Bars for Studs (Including Bolts) and Nuts ... 26 Appendix A (Nonnative) Supplementary Requirements Pertaining to Materials ... 35 Appendix B (Infonnative) Reference Values for Steel Prope1ties at Elevated Temperature ... 41 Appendix C (Informative) Unified Numerical Code ... 49 Appendix D (Normative) Provisions on Application ofQ235 Series Steel Plates ... 51 Pressure Vessels-Part 2. Materials 1 Scope This part of GB 1.50 specifies the designation and the standard of steels that may be used for the pressure· components of pressure vessels, the additional techn ical requirements of steels, and the application scope (temperature and pressure) and allowable stress of steels. This part is applicable to the pressure vessels with design temperature during -253 'C~800 'C and design pressure no larger than 35MPa. Inapplicable scope of th is part. inapplicable scope specified in GB 150.1; vessels in refrigeration industry and papermaking industry; enamelled vessels and simple pressure vessels; scope specified in Atticle 1.4 ofTSG R0004. 2 Normative References The following documents are absolutely essential to the application of this Standard. For dated reference documents, only the dated versions apply to this Standard; for undated reference documents, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this Standard. GB 150.1 - 2011 "Pressure Vessels- Part 1. General Requirements" GB 15 0.3- 20 11 "Pressure Vessels-Pa1t 3. Design" OBIT 228 "Metallic Materials-Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature" OBIT 229 "Metallic Materials-Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Method" GBIT 699 "Quality Carbon Structural Steels" GB 713 "Steel Plates for Boiler and Pressure Vessels" OBIT 1220 "Stainless Steel Bars" GBIT 1221 "Heat-resisting Steel Bars" OBIT 3077 "Alloy Structure Steels" GB 3531 "Low Alloy Steel Plates for Low Temperature Pressure Vessels" GBIT 4226 "Cold Finished Stainless Steel Bar" GBIT 4334 "Corrosion of Metals and Alloys-Test Methods for lntergranular Corrosion of Stainless Steels" GB 5310 "Seamless Steel Tubes and Pipes for High Pressure Boiler" GB 6479-2000 "Seamless Steel Tubes for High-pressure for Chemical Fertilizer Equipments" GB/T 6803 "Test Method for Drop-weight Test to Detennine Nil-ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels" GBIT 7735 "Steel Tubes- The Inspection Method on Eddy Current Test" GBIT 8163 "Seamless Steel Tubes for Liquid Service" GB 9948 "Seamless Steel Tubes for Petroleum Cracking" GB/T 12771 "Welded Stainless Steel Pipes for Liquid Delivery" GB 13296 "Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes for Boiler and Heat Exchanger" GBff 14976 "Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes for Fluid Transport" GB 19189 "Quenched a~d Tempered High Strength Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels" GB/T 20878 "Stainless and Heat-resisting Steels-Designation and .Chemical Composition" GB/T 21832 "Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex) Grade Stainless Steel Welded Tubes and Pipes" GBff 2 I 833 "Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex) Grade Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes and Pipes" GB 24511 "Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip for Pressure Equipments" GB/T 24593 "Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubes for Boiler and Heat-exchanger" NB/T 47002.1 "Explosion Welded C lad Plate for Pressure Vessels-Part 1. Stainless Steel-steel Clad Plate" NB/T 47002.2 "Explosion Welded Clad Plate for Pressure Vessels- Prut 2. Nickel-steel Clad Plate" NBrr 47002.3 "Explosion Welded C lad Plate for Pressure Vessels-Part 3. Titanium-steel Clad Plate" NB/T 47002.4 "Explosive Welding Composite Plate for Pressure Vessels- Prut 4. Copper-steel Clad Plate" NB/T 47008 "Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Equipments" NB/T 4 7009 "Low-alloy Steel Forgings for Low Temperature Pressure Equipments" NB/T 47010 "Stainless and Heat-resisting Steel Forgings for Pressure Equipments" JB/T 4730.3 "Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments- Patt 3. Ultrasonic Testing" JBIT 4756 "Nickel and Nickel Alloy Pressure Vessels" TSG R0004 "Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel" ISO 9328-2. 2004 "Steel Flat Products for Pressure Purposes- Technical Delivery Conditions- Patt 2. Non-alloy and Alloy Steels with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties" 3 General Provisions 3.1 This standard gives the relevant provisions on the steels used for the steel plates, steel tubes and pipes, steel forgings and studs (including bolts) adopted by the pressure components of pressure vessels. The steels used for the non-pressure components that are welded with the pressure components shall adopt the steels with favorable weldability. 3.2 Where the steels of which the designations are not included in this standard are adopted, except for the austenitic steels, all the other steels shall meet the relevant requirements of Appendix A. It is allowed to adopt such austenitic steels that have been included in the relevant national standards, and their tecl1J1ical requirements (like the provisions on phosphorus content and sulphur content as well as the strength index) shall not be less than the provisions on those designations having the approximate chemical compositions, among the corresponding steels listed in this ~tandard. 3.3 The steels used for the pressure components of pressure vessels shall be accompanied by the original steel quality certificate of the steel production organization, and the vessel fabrication organization shall conduct acceptance on steels according to the quality certificate. If the original steel quality ce1tificate of steel production organization is unavailable, then the provisions of 2.1 in TSG R0004 shall be followed . The vessel fabrication organization shall conduct reinspection on steels if the conditions meet those stated in 2.11 ofTSG R0004. 3.4 When selecting the steels used for the pressure components of pressure vessels, the service conditions (like design temperat11re, design pressure, medium characteristics and operating features, etc.), the properties of materials (mechanical properties, technological properties, chemical properties and physical properties) as well as the fabrication technology and economical rationality of vessels shall be taken into consideration. 3.5 The steels used for the pressure components of pressure vessels shall be killed steel smelted through oxygen blown convetter or electric fumace. The extemal refining technology still shall be adopted in relation to the low alloy steel plates and austenitic-ferritic stainless steel plates with the lower limit value of standard tensile strength larger than or equal to 540MPa as well as to the low temperature steel plates and low temperature steel forgings used at such application temperature that islessthan -20°C. 3.6 The upper limit of the application temperature of steels used for pressure components of pressure vessels 3.6.1 The upper limit of the application temperature of steels (the maximum design temperature of corresponding pressure component) is the maximum temperature corresponding to the allowable stress of every designation listed in the allowable stress tables in this standard. Ifthe steels need operating at such temperature above the upper limit of application temperature during the technological process, the corresponding provisions shall be specified in the design documents. The allowable stress given at the right side of the bold line in the allowable stress table is detennined according to 1 x 1 05h endurance strength limit of steels at elevated temperature. 3.6.2 Where the carbon steel and carbon manganese steel are used for a long time at the temperature above 425°C, the tendency to graphitization of the carbide phase in steel shall be considered. 3.6.3 If the application temperature of austenitic steel is larger than 525 oc, the carbon content in steel shall not be less than 0.04%. 3.7 The lower limit of the application temperature of steels used for pressure components of pressure vessels 3.7.1 The lower limit (the minimum design temperature of corresponding pressure component) of the application temperature of steels (excluding the austenitic steels) shall meet those specified in Chapters 4-7. 3.7.2 Where the application temperature of austenitic steels is larger than or equal to - 196°C, such steels may not be carried out with impact test. Where the application temperature of austenitic steels is less than - 196°C-- 253 OC, the impact test requirements shall be specified in the design documents. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.