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GB 10767-2010 (GB 10767-2021 Newer Version) PDF English

Search result: GB 10767-2010 (GB 10767-2021 Newer Version)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inName of Chinese StandardStatus
GB 10767-2021English105 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. National food safety standard - Young Children Formula Valid
GB 10767-2010English70 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. National food safety standard Older infants and young children formula Obsolete
GB 10767-1997English519 Add to Cart 4 days General technical requirements of infant formula, follow-up formula and supplementary foods for infant and young children Obsolete
GB 10767-1989English439 Add to Cart 4 days Foods for infants and young children--Infant formula--Soybean based Obsolete
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GB 10767-2010: PDF in English

GB 10767-2010 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National Food Safety Standard Older Infants and Young Children Formula ISSUED ON. MARCH 26, 2010 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 1, 2010 Issued by. Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1  Scope ... 4  2  Normative references ... 4  3  Terms and Definitions ... 4  4  Technical requirements ... 4  5  Others ... 8  Foreword This Standard corresponds to Codex Stan 156-1987 (Amendment 1989) Codex Standard for Follow- up Infant Formulas of Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The consistent degree between this Standard and Codex Stan 156-1987 is not equivalent. This Standard refers to Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes compiled by Chinese Nutrition Society in 2000. This Standard replaces GB 10767-1997 General Technical Requirements of Infant Formula, Follow-up Formula and Supplementary Foods for Infants and Young Children, GB 10769-1997 Complementary Foods for Infants and Young Children during Ablactation and GB 10770-1997 Supplementary Foods for Infants and Young Children during Ablactation, and their amendments. Compared with GB 10767-1997, GB 10769-1997 and GB 10770-1997, the main changes in this Standard are as follows. -- Integrate the above three standards into one standard. Change the name of the standard to Older Infants and Young Children Formula; and -- Modify some articles in the standards. The previous editions replaced by this Standard are as follows. -- GB 10767-1997; -- GB 10769-1989, GB 10769-1997; and -- GB 10770-1989, and GB 10770-1997. National Food Safety Standard Older Infants and Young Children Formula 1 Scope This Standard is applicable to older infants and young children formula. 2 Normative references Documents referenced in this Standard are indispensable for application of this Standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this Standard. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) is applicable to this Standard. 3 Terms and Definitions 3.1 Older infants 6 - 12 months old children. 3.2 Young children 12 - 36 months old children. 3.3 Older infants and young children formula It refers to the liquid or powdered products that are made mainly from milk and milk protein and/or soybean and soybean protein products, with addition of proper amount of vitamins, mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by physical methods only, suitable for older infants and young children. Their nutritional ingredients can meet partial nutritional requirements of normal older infants and young children. 4 Technical requirements 4.1 Requirements for raw materials Raw materials used in the products shall conform to relevant safety standards and/or related provisions. It shall ensure the safety of older infants and young children and satisfy nutritional requirements. It shall not use substances harmful to nutrition and health of older infants and young children. Hydrogenated oil and fat shall not be used. Radiation-treated raw materials and supplementary ingredients shall not be used. 4.2 Sensory requirements. It shall comply with the provisions in Table 1. Items Sampling plan a and limit (in CFU/g or CFU/mL unless otherwise specified) Test method n c m M Aerobic bacterial countb 5 2 1 000 10 000 GB 4789.2 Coliform group 5 2 10 100 GB 4789.3 plate count method Salmonella 5 0 0/25 g - GB 4789.4 a Samples shall be analyzed and processed in accordance with GB 4789.1 and GB 4789.18. b It is not applicable to products to which the active strains (aerobic and facultative anaerobic probiotics) are added [viable count of active probiotics in products shall not be less than 106 CFU/g (mL)]. 4.9 Food additives and nutritional fortification substances 4.9.1 Quality of food additives and nutritional fortification substances shall conform to relevant safety standards and related provisions. 4.9.2 Use of food additives and nutritional fortification substances shall conform to the provisions of GB 2760 and GB 14880. 4.10 Urease activity. Urease activity in products containing soybean shall conform to the provisions of Table 10. Table 10 Requirements for urease activity Item Index Test method Qualitative determination of urease activity Negative GB/T 5413.31a a The sampling size of liquid products shall be converted and based on content of dry substances. 5 Others 5.1 Label 5.1.1 Product labels shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB 13432. Content “per 100 kJ” shall be added to the content labels of nutrients and optional ingredients. 5.1.2 Labels shall clearly indicate categories of products, attribute (e.g. milk-based and/or soybean-based products and product status) and applicable age of older infant formula or older infant and young children formula. Older infant formula shall be labelled with “It shall compatibly add supplementary foods”. 5.2 Instructions for use 5.2.1 Use and preparation guidance and illustrations as well as storage conditions of products shall be clearly stated on the labels. Illustrations may not be marked when the maximum surface area of packages is less than 100 cm2 or the product weight is less than 100 g. 5.2.2 Guidance shall give warning explanation on health hazards caused by improper preparation and use. 5.3 Package Carbon dioxide and (or) nitrogen at food grade or those whose purity is not less than 99.9% can be used as a packaging medium. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.