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GB 10408.3-2000 PDF English

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GB 10408.3-2000English90 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Detectors for intruder alarm systems. Part 3: Microwave doppler detectors for use in building  
GB 10408.3-1989EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days Microwave intrusion detectors Obsolete
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GB 10408.3-2000: PDF in English

GB 10408.3-2000 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.310 A 91 Detectors for intruder alarm systems - Part 3. Microwave Doppler detectors for use in buildings (idt IEC 839-2-5.1990 / [Translator note. IEC 60839-2-5.1990]) ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 17, 2000 IMPLEMENTED ON. JUNE 1, 2001 Issued by. China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  IEC Foreword ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Definitions ... 6  4 General considerations ... 6  5 Technical requirements ... 7  6 Test procedures ... 9  Foreword All technical contents of this Standard are mandatory. This Standard is the revision of GB 10408.3-1989 Microwave detectors for intruder alarm systems. This Standard is identical with IEC 839-2-5.1990 Alarm systems - Part 2. Requirements for intruder alarm systems. Section 5 - Microwave Doppler detectors for use in buildings [Translator note. IEC 60839-2-5.1990 Alarm systems – Part 2. Requirements for intruder alarm systems. Section 5 - Microwave Doppler detectors for use in buildings]. The main differences between this Standard and GB 10408.3-1989 Microwave detectors for intruder alarm systems are as follows. - Standard’s name was modified from Microwave detectors for intruder alarm systems to Detectors for intruder alarm systems - Part 3. Microwave Doppler detectors for use in buildings; - Frequency used by detectors in this Standard was modified from “greater than 9 GHz” to “not less than 1 GHz”; - GB 10408.3-1989 requires devices of turning off or blocking walk-test indicator for detectors; this Standard requires turning off or blocking walk- test indicator without turning on detectors. Since the implementation of this Standard, GB 10408.3-1989 Microwave detectors for intruder alarm systems shall be abolished simultaneously. This Standard was proposed by Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of China National Security Alarm System Standardization Technical Committee. This Standard was drafted by Testing Center for Quality of Security & Police Electronic Products under the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. CHINA. Main drafters of this Standard. Che Hongku, Guo Li. This Standard was issued in December 1988 for the first time, revised in October 2000 for the first time. Detectors for intruder alarm systems - Part 3. Microwave Doppler detectors for use in buildings 1 Scope This Standard gives the specific requirements and test procedures for microwave Doppler detectors for use in intruder alarm systems installed in buildings. This Standard is an addition to the general requirements for detectors for use in intruder alarm systems as specified in GB 10408.1 Detectors for intruder alarm systems - Part 1. Requirements for detectors - General, and it shall also be used in conjunction with the standard for General requirements for alarm system, IEC Publication 839-1-1. The object of this Standard is to specify those requirements for microwave Doppler detectors which will ensure that they will perform satisfactorily and minimize false alarms. 2 Normative references The following standards contain the provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute the provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. GB 10408.1-2000 Detectors for intruder alarm systems - Part 1. Requirements for detectors – General [idt IEC 839-2-2.1987] IEC 68-1.1988 Environmental testing - Part 1. General and guidance IEC 839-1-1.1988 Alarm systems - Part 1. General requirements, Section One - General IEC 839-1-3.1988 Section Three - Environmental testing The tests may be carried out at any range within the range adjustment of the detector. The range control shall not be altered during the environmental tests. The reference target shall move towards the detector from directly in front of the detector beyond the adjusted range at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. The distance from the detector when an alarm condition occurs shall be measure and recorded. The distance from the detector where an alarm condition occurs after each environmental test shall not vary by more than 10% of the initial distance. The tests may be simulated provided that it can be shown that the simulation gives the same results as the test procedure described. For the following tests the detector shall be set for maximum stated range. - electrical spikes; - electrostatic discharge; - electromagnetic fields. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.