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DB35T1968-2021: PDF in English

DB35/T 1968-2021 DB35 LOCAL STANDARD OF THE FUJIAN PROVINCE ICS 31.120 CCS L 63 The scene measuring methods of LED panels ISSUED ON. FEBRUARY 9, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 9, 2021 Issued by. Fujian Market Supervision and Administration Bureau Table of Contents Foreword... 3 1 Scope... 4 2 Normative references... 4 3 Terms and definitions... 4 4 General requirements... 4 5 Measurement methods... 5 6 Reports and records... 13 The scene measuring methods of LED panels 1 Scope This document specifies the field measurement methods for the electrical and optical characteristics of LED displays. This document applies to field measurements of Light Emitting Diode (LED) displays installed in outdoor and indoor locations. 2 Normative references The provisions of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this text. Among them, for referenced documents with dates, only the versions corresponding to the dates are applicable to this document; for referenced documents without dates, the latest versions (including all amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 34973-2017 On-site measurements of obtrusive light of LED panels SJ/T 11141-2017 Generic specification for LED displays SJ/T 11281-2017 Measure methods of light emitting diode (LED) displays SJ/T 11590-2016 A subjective method for the evaluation of the displaying quality of LED displays 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 34973-2017, SJ/T 11141-2017, SJ/T 11281- 2017 and SJ/T 11590-2016 apply to this document. 4 General requirements 4.1 Test conditions When measuring, interference from environmental factors shall be avoided. 4.2 Measuring instruments Luminance meter. not less than level 2; Lux meter. not less than level 2; Power analyzer. not less than Class 1.0; Vernier caliper. with a resolution of not less than 0.02 mm; Other length measuring tools. the accuracy is not less than 10 mm. 4.3 Samples Unless otherwise specified, the electrical parameters of the LED display shall meet the following conditions during measurement. a) The deviation between the input voltage and the rated voltage is not greater than 10%; b) The input frequency is 50 Hz±1 Hz. 5 Measurement methods 5.1 Measurement method 5.1.1 Measurement conditions The overall size of the LED display is measured when it is in the black screen state, and the effective display size is measured when it is in the full light state. 5.1.2 Measurement steps The measurement is performed in the following steps. a) First, turn off the power supply, observe the shape of the LED display, such as square, rectangle, and arc, and record the observation results; b) Use length measuring tools to measure the overall size, installation height and pixel pitch of the LED display; c) Turn on the power supply, use the length measuring tool to measure the effective display size of the LED display and calculate its area. 5.2 Subjective evaluation 5.2.1 Subjective evaluation The observers shall be composed of persons with normal vision (including corrected vision) and normal color discrimination ability (no color weakness or color blindness), of different genders and ages, and the number shall be no less than 3.Other light probe acquisition range shall not be less than 16 adjacent pixels. 5.6.2 Measurement steps The measurement is performed in the following steps. a) Measure the maximum luminance Lmax and background luminance L0 at the center of the LED display according to 5.4; b) Calculate the luminance contrast C according to formula (5). where. C -- the luminance contrast of LED display; Lmax -- the maximum luminance at the center of the LED display, in candelas per square meter (cd/m2); L0 -- the background luminance at the center of the LED display, in candelas per square meter (cd/m2). 5.7 Main wavelength of basic color 5.7.1 Measurement conditions During measurement, the ambient illumination change shall be less than ±10%; avoid the presence of colored light sources around; the light probe acquisition range shall not be less than 16 adjacent pixels. 5.7.2 Measurement steps The measurement is performed in the following steps. a) Turn on the power supply, adjust the LED display to the highest brightness level and the highest grayscale, and place the luminance meter within the range that is 4~10 times the diagonal length of the LED display from the display screen. When measuring, the angle between the optical axis of the luminance meter and the normal line of the LED display screen shall be less than 10°; measure the main wavelength at the center of the LED display; b) According to the characteristics of the luminance meter, there are two measurement methods. one is to directly read the main wavelength, and the other is to obtain the main wavelength by calculating the chromaticity coordinates. The calculation method is based on the provisions of Article of SJ/T 11281-2017. 5.8 Center point chromaticity (where applicable) 5.8.1 Measurement conditions During measurement, the ambient illumination variation shall be less than ±10%; the light probe acquisition range shall not be less than 16 adjacent pixels. 5.8.2 Measurement steps Turn on the power supply, adjust the LED display to the highest brightness level and the highest grayscale, display a full white image, and measure the chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature of the center of the LED display using a luminance meter within the range that is 4~10 times the diagonal length of the LED display from the display screen. During measurement, the angle between the optical axis of the luminance meter and the normal line of the LED display screen shall be less than 10°. 5.9 Color uniformity 5.9.1 Measurement conditions During measurement, the ambient illumination variation shall be less than ±10%; the light probe acquisition range shall not be less than 16 adjacent pixels. 5.9.2 Measurement steps Select two points with the largest color difference on the LED display screen by visual inspection. Measure the chromaticity coordinates (uA, vA) and (uB, vB) of the points on the LED display, according to the provisions of 5.7 if the LED display screen displays each basic color or according to the provisions of 5.8 if the full-color LED display screen displays the white field; the color uniformity △T is calculated according to formula (6). where. △T -- color uniformity; (uA, vA) -- chromaticity coordinates; (uB, vB) -- chromaticity coordinates. 5.10 White balance error 5.10.1 Measurement conditions During measurement, the ambient illumination variation shall be less than ±10%; the light probe acquisition range shall not be less than 16 adjacent pixels. 5.10.2 Measurement steps The measurement is performed in the following steps. a) The luminance meter is located within the range that is 4~10 times the diagonal length of the LED display from the display screen, and the angle between the optical axis of the luminance meter and the normal line of the LED display screen shall be less than 10° during measurement. b) Turn on the power supply, adjust the LED display to the white field's highest brightness level and highest grayscale, and measure the chromaticity coordinates (u100, v100) of the center of the LED display; c) Adjust the LED display to 50% brightness and measure the chromaticity coordinates (u50, v50) of the center of the LED display; d) Adjust the LED display to 10% brightness and measure the chromaticity coordinates (u10, v10) of the center of the LED display; e) The white balance errors △u and △v are the larger of the absolute values of the differences BETWEEN the chromaticity coordinates measured at the highest brightness and at 10% brightness AND the chromaticity coordinates measured at 50% brightness. 5.11 Energy efficiency evaluation value The maximum power consumption P of the LED display is measured according to 5.3, and the arithmetic mean luminance LAV of 9 points when all basic colors of the LED display are fully lit is measured according to 5.5.The energy efficiency of the LED display is calculated according to formula (7). where. η -- energy efficiency of LED display, in lumens per watt (1 m/W); π -- solid angle, the unit is steradian (sr); ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.