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CQC11-461233-2009: PDF in English

CQC11-461233-2009 PRODUCT SAFETY CERTIFICATION RULES Safety Certification Rules for Switches for Electrical Installations ISSUED ON: SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON: SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 China Quality Certification Center Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1. Scope of application ... 4 2. Certification mode ... 4 3. Certification application ... 5 4. Type test ... 6 5. Initial factory inspection ... 8 6. Evaluation and approval of certification results ... 10 7. After-certification supervision ... 11 8. Certification certificate ... 12 9. Use of certification mark ... 14 10. Charge ... 14 1. Scope of application This Rules applies to the CQC mark safety certification of electronic switches, remote-control switches, and time-delay switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations for indoor or outdoor use. The applicable products include: Electronic switches: Electronic switches that operate lighting circuits, control the brightness of lights (dimmers), control the speed of electric motors (for exhaust fans, etc.), and are used for other purposes (e.g. electric heating devices). The operating voltage of these switches does not exceed 250 V AC, and the rated current does not exceed 16 A. The above-mentioned manipulation and control are realized artificially through starting elements, sensing surfaces and sensing devices by means of touch, approach, rotation, light, sound, heat or other influences. Remote-control switches: Electromagnetic remote-control switches of which the rated voltage does not exceed 440 V and the rated current does not exceed 63 A; electronic remote-control switches of which the rated voltage does not exceed 250 V and the rated current does not exceed 16 A. Time-delay switches: Time-delay switches of which the rated voltage does not exceed 440 V and the rated current does not exceed 63 A; for household and similar fixed electrical installations for indoor or outdoor use; operated manually and/or remotely; equipped with mechanical, thermal, pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical time-delay devices, or any combination of the above-mentioned time- delay devices. 2. Certification mode CQC safety certification mode for switches for electrical installations is: product type test + initial factory inspection + after-certification supervision. The basic steps of certification include: a. Certification application. b. Type test. c. Initial factory inspection. d. Evaluation and approval of certification results. e. After-certification supervision. 3. Certification application 3.1 Division of certification units Application units are divided according to the operation and control method, load type, and presence or absence of screw terminals of products. The same type of products with basically the same structure, the same functions, and the same materials can be regarded as an application unit. Products from different production sites are considered as different application units. Products of different manufacturers are considered as different application units. 3.2 Materials submitted for certification application 3.2.1 Application materials a. Formal application form (print after filling in the application form online, or download a blank application form and fill in). b. Factory inspection questionnaire (when first applying). c. Product description (CQC11-461233.01-2009). 3.2.2 Proof materials a. Certificate of registration of applicant, manufacturer, production factory, such as business license, organization code. b. If the applicant, manufacturer and production factory are not the same, a two- or three-party cooperation agreement is required. c. Agent’s power of attorney (if any). d. Effective supervision inspection report or factory inspection report (if any). e. Other required documents. 3.2.3 Providing product-related materials a. Product assembly drawing, electrical schematic diagram, wiring diagram, product instructions, etc. b. Electrical parameter table. c. List of critical raw materials / components / parts (see CQC11-461233.01- are kept by the testing agency, and the samples are disposed of in accordance with the relevant CQC regulations. 4.2 Type test 4.2.1 Standards GB 16915.1-2003 “Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements” GB 16915.2-2000 “Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 1: Electronic switches” GB 16915.3-2000 “Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 2: Remote-control switches (RCS)” GB 16915.4-2003 “Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 3: Time-delay switches (TDS)” 4.2.2 Test items and requirements Product test items are all the applicable items specified in the standards, except electromagnetic compatibility. 4.2.3 Test methods The test is carried out in accordance with the test methods and/or criterion specified and/or referenced by the standards. 4.2.4 Time limit of type test Generally, 30 working days (the time for the enterprise to make rectifications and re-inspections due to the unqualified test items is not included). It is counted from receipt of samples and test costs. 4.2.5 Determination Type test shall meet the requirements of the product standards. If any one item does not meet the requirements of the standards, it is determined that the certification unit product does not meet the certification requirements. If part of the type test items fails, the applicant is allowed to make rectification. The rectification shall be completed within the time limit specified by the certification body (counted from the date of the notification of type test non-conformity). Failure to complete the rectification on time shall be deemed Notes: (1) Routine inspection is a 100 % inspection of products on the production line at the final stage of production. Generally, after inspection, no further processing is required except for packaging and labeling. Confirmation inspection is a sampling inspection to verify that the product continues to meet the requirements of the standard; (2) Confirmation inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the standards; (3) Routine inspection is allowed to be carried out by equivalent and fast methods determined after verification; (4) During confirmation inspection, if the factory does not have the test equipment, the laboratory can be entrusted to carry out the inspection. 5.1.2 Product consistency inspection During factory inspection, the consistency of the products applying for certification shall be inspected at the production site, and the following shall be inspected in particular. 1) The identification of the product to be certified shall be consistent with the information indicated on the type test report; 2) The structure of the product to be certified shall be consistent with that in the type test report; 3) The critical raw materials / components / parts used in the product to be certified shall be consistent with those in the type test report; 4) If multiple series of products are involved, at least one specification model of each series of products shall be selected for consistency inspection. During factory inspection, on-site witness tests can be taken for product safety performance. 5.1.3 Factory quality assurance ability inspection and product consistency inspection shall cover all products applying for certification and processing sites. 5.2 Initial factory inspection time Generally, after the type test is PASS, the initial factory inspection is carried out. If required, type test and factory inspection can also be carried out simultaneously. In principle, factory inspection shall be completed within one year after the end of the product type test, otherwise the product type test shall be carried out 7. After-certification supervision 7.1 Supervision-inspection time 7.1.1 Frequency of certification supervision-inspection Generally, annual supervision shall be arranged within 12 months after the initial factory inspection is completed, and the interval between each annual supervision-inspection shall not exceed 12 months. CQC can adjust the timing of supervision-inspection on an annual basis according to the actual situation of product production. Increase the frequency of supervision if one of the following occurs: 1) The certified product has serious quality problems or the user has submitted a serious complaint, which have been verified that it is the responsibility of the certificate holder; 2) When CQC has sufficient reasons to question the compliance of the certified product with the certification standards; 3) When there is sufficient information to indicate that the conformity or consistency of the product may be affected by changes in the organization, production conditions, quality management system, etc. of the producer or production factory. 7.1.2 Number of man-days of supervision-inspection (see Table 3) 7.2 Contents of supervision-inspection The method of after-certification supervision-inspection adopts the supervision- inspection of factory product quality assurance ability + consistency inspection of certified products. CQC supervises and inspects the factory according to CQC/F 001-2009 "CQC Mark Certification Factory Quality Assurance Ability Requirements". Articles 3, 4, 5, and 9 are mandatory items for each supervision-inspection, and other items are optional, and it shall cover all the provisions specified in CQC/F 001-2009 “CQC Certification Requirements of Factory Quality Assurance Ability” at least every three years. The contents of the consistency inspection of certified products is basically the same as the contents of the product consistency inspection during the initial factory inspection. Check the product quality inspection in accordance with Table 2 “Factory quality control testing requirements for certification of switch products for electrical installations”. a deadline, and the validity of the certificate is maintained by CQC's regular supervision. 8.1.2 Changes to certified products Application for change When the content of the certificate changes, or the design involving safety / performance, structural parameters, shape, critical raw materials / components / parts of the product have changed, the certificate holder shall apply to CQC. Evaluation and approval of changes CQC evaluates the content of changes and the materials provided to determine if changes can be made and if test is needed. If tests and/or factory inspections need to be scheduled, changes can only be made after passing the tests and/or factory inspections. In principle, the evaluation of changes shall be based on the certified products that were subjected to type test originally. Tests and factory inspections shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant CQC regulations. 8.2 Extension of products covered by certification certificate 8.2.1 Extension procedures If the certificate holder needs to increase the product certification scope that is the same certification unit with the certified product, it shall start from the certification application and explain the expansion requirements. CQC checks the consistency of the extended products with the original certified products, confirms the effectiveness of the original certification results on the extended products, performs supplementary tests or factory inspections on differences and/or extended scope, and issues a certification certificate separately or renews the certification certificate according to the requirements of the certificate holder. In principle, the evaluation of extensions shall be based on the certified products that were subjected to type test originally. 8.2.2 Sample requirements The certificate holder shall first provide relevant technical materials of the extended product. When samples are required to be sending, the certificate holder shall select samples for verification or difference test in accordance with the requirements of Clause 4 of this Rules. 8.3 Suspension, resumption, cancellation and withdrawal of certification certificate ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.